Questions we get from time to time

How confidential is confidential? Electronic Bug Sweepers are scrupulous when it comes to protecting your privacy, and we are only too pleased to sign your confidentiality agreement or provide one of our own comprehensive confidentiality agreements.

I need documentation or a certificate to show our premises is clear. If requested, we provide a full report and certificate regarding the completed TSCM inspection.

When one of your chaps turns up, will they be wearing a uniform or anything obvious to suggest you are sweeping for bugs? Plain unmarked vehicles driven by even plainer looking people will be able to access your location with equipment, inconspicuously.

Sorry, but my office is hardly ever empty so what then? If the property to be swept is an office, offices or work place with a few people in close proximity, we would always advise an inspection take place outside of working hours. Mobile phones and other devices using GSM must be powered down for the duration of the inspection.

We are in Liverpool and need a bug sweep for an important meeting tomorrow at 9am. Never fear - EBS covers all of England and available at very short notice, and would be delighted to oblige.

What makes EBS so special? We have been involved in the countermeasures business since the early 1990s; paying attention to the details and protecting our reputation as the UK's premier bug-finders.

Spying isn't widespread, so why should I care? Every year we find more spying devices indicating that more people know where to buy them, how to install and keep them out of sight. If you have competitors or you are in some kind of legal dispute, you can bet that the other party has been advised to consider bugging to gain the upper hand.

Why would people would want to spy on others? Consider partners, ex-partners, neighbours, family, nosey parkers or anyone who may want to know your private business for all kinds of reasons including financial and jealousy reasons. Anyone could be a target for the eavesdropper.

We have cleaners - surely we would know? Bugs can be put almost anywhere, from a plant, under a vehicle or piece of furniture, in a telephone or keyboard, to a more long-term fit attached to existing electrical wiring.

You know what? I bet I could do my own scan! Many pieces of equipment are required to perform a reliable sweep; even a single phone line requires a number of components to test it thoroughly. Before a determined bugger goes to work, he makes sure that his bugging device is always out of reach of the amateur bug finder. Remember though, that there's not much he can do to prevent professional, equipped and trained sweepers like EBS, from unearthing his devious doings.